An A80 minding its own business.
Dubway recently had the honor of assessing & digitizing several classic recordings with the noted martial arts enthusiast and Wu-Tang Clan co-founder, RZA. Our transfer specialist, Merter Yildirim, did the honors. For projects like this we have (and maintain) our Studer A80, Mk IV 2” tape machine, a piece of equipment that’s becoming more and more of a relic these days.
Transfers like these can be extremely delicate processes, as the tape itself is often at risk for damage after long periods of storage, and needs to be brought back to life before the transfer can safely take place. Here’s what it sounds like when you transfer an old, crumbling tape. If you have a cherished recording whose value has outlived its format, give us a call.
We can handle nearly anything you can throw at us. Just please aim away from the Studer.