New podcast announced from Jigsaw Productions, "Lies We Tell"

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Documentary powerhouse Alex Gibney’s Jigsaw Productions has announced a new podcast, Lies We Tell, which we’re thrilled to be involved in! The episodic show deals with “character-driven” puzzles revolving around deception, and the team behind it couldn’t be better: in additional to Gibney, the production team includes former Radiolab executive producer Ellen Horne, Jigsaw producer Clare Sloane Vance, and a full team of reporters.

Interviews for the podcast have been conducted at Dubway, and have been primarily recorded by staff engineer Violette Furton. The show itself is slated for a fast-approaching release in March. Lies We Tell will be available through the boutique podcast network Luminary, a platform we’ve been proud to partner with on a variety of podcasts.

Check out the podcast in March – we can guarantee a deeply interesting listen!