The industry standard Snackmaster Pro. Never bake food and tapes together!
Over the past month, singer, songwriter, and producer Janie Cooke has been at the studios with Dubway tape transfer specialist Merter Yildirim, transferring her large archival collection of tapes and recordings. Dubway maintains a collection of legacy recording devices including tape machines which help, alongside Merter’s work preserving the tape itself (through restorative processes like baking), to get your recordings safely transferred into a more durable medium.
A poet, songwriter, producer, and performer, Janie Cooke has performed at all the major NYC venues–Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden, Rockefeller Center, Carnegie Hall, and more–both solo and alongside greats like Dizzy Gillespie, McCoy Tyner, Pharoah Saunders, and Angela Bofill. Some of Janie’s vocal arranging and performing can be heard on the 1983 Zest track, linked below.
Collections of any size that are worth holding on to, are worth transferring. Give us a call to have us safely transfer your collection!